Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to install MyDLP?

MyDLP is not just a network server, only a part of MyDLP is.

We define MyDLP as a complete Data Loss Prevention solution. Therefore, installation of a complete solution is a bit different than a network server. But, not harder.

To implement DLP in 30 minutes, check out these documents;

MyDLP Auto Distribution

Another new extensive feature from MyDLP.

In almost every DLP installations, system administrators seek for a way to load balance DLP solutions and this process generally become painful because of synchronization and redundancy issues.

MyDLP Team introduced the feature Auto Distribution which enables system administrators to create an active-active cluster within minutes.

Check out our new document about Auto Distribution for details.

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Documents on mydlp.org

After getting our new site online, we are working hard to create material about MyDLP.

We have determined more fifteen document titles and most of them are already completed.

For more, check out: www.mydlp.org/documents.

New Site

Now, our web page is more than an landing page and a blog.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pre-built compliance with MyDLP

Currently we are working on regulatory standards and directives such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, BASEL II, GLBA, SOX and EU Data Protection Directive.

All of these regulations require safety and protection of sensitive data and we believe MyDLP will come in handy for compliance efforts. We plan to provide pre-built configuration and reports for these regulations.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Now squid3-ssl packages in MyDLP repository

Everybody who played with Squid on Ubuntu, have probably encountered with this problem; Ubuntu Squid packages had been compiled without SSL option. Therefore, it is not possible to proxy HTTPS connections with Squid on Ubuntu Server.

So, what should we do in order to overcome this?

If I compile Squid from original source tree, I will be forced to follow new releases and security updates for Squid manually. APT will become useless for me.

If I get dpkg source of Ubuntu Squid package with apt-get source squid3, change debian/rules, add --enable-ssl to configure, recompile it and deploy it instead of original Ubuntu Squid package (as explained here), SSL support will dissappear after installing first update for Squid from official Ubuntu repository.

We have solved all these by creating a new package named squid3-ssl. squid3-ssl replaces squid3, conflicts with squid3 and provides squid3 (dpkg terms). In other words, both squid3 and squid3-ssl could not be installed together, you could install squid3-ssl instead of squid3 and this situation will not cause any dependency problems.

Furthermore, these packages will be automatically compiled after any update for Squid in official Ubuntu repositories and deployed into MyDLP Ubuntu repository.

As a result, adding MyDLP repository and installing squid3-ssl package, will provide Squid SSL functionality without challenging any of the problems I have mentioned above.

To use and install squid3-ssl packages;

Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list ;
deb http://downloads.medratech.com/ubuntu-daily lucid/
Then, call aptitude to update itself and install squid3-ssl ;
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install squid3-ssl
That’s all…

Have a good day :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Variety in DLP Filters

Nowadays, MyDLP is trying to adopt new predefined rule patterns to its filter collection. We are working on 3 new patterns.

  1. Canada SIN
  2. France INSEE
  3. UK NINO
We are eager to adopt these 3 new patterns until the major first release of MyDLP. If you have any other suggestions please contact us from mydlp[at]mydlp.org