MyDLP Blog

easy, simple, open source data leakage prevention

What is MyDLP?

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MyDLP is an easy-to-use network based data leak prevention tool. It is under heavy development and you can see MyDLP’s sources over Project is licensed under GPLv3. Erlang/OTP is being used in development of MyDLP for concurrency, easy deployment and management.

MyDLP’s main aims are:

- Manage Information Flow
- Detect leak

- Block leak
- Trusted logging
- Support for logging with trusted 3rd parties
- Formatted log for easy evaluation
- Performance and Scalability
- With Erlang/OTP concurrency is not a problem
- Support for many protocols
- HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, FTP, MSNMS, Jabber, SFTP, SSH, Telnet, etc…
- HTTP support is under development now
- SSL support for these protocols where applicable
- Support for specialized protocol implementation
First release for MyDLP will be released until 30 June 2010. Wait for it. We are coming and bringing a new aspect for data leak prevention!!!

Written by burak

May 6th, 2010 at 12:13 pm

Posted in General

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